Intensive vaccine program linked to higher death rate in infants

Are we vaccinating our children to death? Countries that have the most vaccinations – such as the US, Italy, Greece and the UK - also have the highest infant death rates, a new study has discovered.
The United States has the most intensive program with 26 vaccines that a child is supposed to have in its first year – and it also has the worst mortality level, with six out of every thousand infants dying.
Conversely, Sweden and Japan administer the fewest vaccines – there are just 12 in their programs – and they have the lowest death rates with just 3 deaths per 1000.
Researchers Neil Miller and Gary Goldman also suspect that sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) could also be the result of over-vaccination.
The researchers researched the vaccine programs and infant mortality rates of 34 developed countries. The UK, which has 19 vaccines in its program, came 25th with 4.85 deaths per thousand.

(Source: Human and Experimental Toxicology, 2011; doi: 10.1177/0960327111407644).